Many businesses think that a customized commercial flooring system is out of their budget, but if you’re looking to replace or install a flooring system, stained concrete floors offer an excellent balance between customization options and cost effectiveness.
Why Choose Custom-Stained Concrete Floors?
Polished concrete stands apart as one of the best commercial flooring materials for a broad range of applications. It’s durable, long lasting, and easy to maintain while achieving a refined look at virtually any general-purpose facility. The only downside is that some companies prefer a unique finish over the commonplace grey of standard concrete. If that’s stopping you from exploring polished concrete as an option for your facility, you may be surprised to discover that concrete and customization go hand in hand.
How Stained Concrete Works
Think a stained concrete flooring system requires extending project timelines and potentially delaying the project? Staining concrete is little more than an additional step in the polishing process. That means the staining process adds minimal time to the project, certainly won’t delay your project, and offers custom concrete finishing options that you won’t see at any other facility. Since the stain penetrates deep into the concrete, it lasts as long as the concrete itself and is suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications.
Stained Concrete Customization Options
Other flooring systems like epoxy floors or urethane cement may offer a broader range of color customization options, but those customization options can quickly increase the cost of the project. Stained concrete, on the other hand, is much more cost effective and still offers a full range of color options. Those options primarily depend on whether you choose an acid-based or water-based stain. Acid-based stains react chemically with the concrete to form a permanent bond. Water-based staining involves no chemical reaction but still penetrates deep into the concrete for a permanent finish.
Schedule a project needs assessment to explore stained concrete flooring options for your facility.
Stained Concrete Floor Color Options
Since no chemical reaction occurs during application, water-based stains provide a more consistent finish and come in a wider range of colors and finish options, ranging from translucent to opaque. Water-based stains are also low in toxic compounds, making them safer, particularly for food and beverage applications.
Acid-based concrete stains chemically bond to the concrete, resulting in a translucent finish with rich coloring that often results in a marbled effect. Acid-based stains may also require more extensive surface preparation for proper application.
At Ardor Solutions, we offer both acid-based and water-based concrete staining options in a range of classic colors and OS dyes. All stains and dyes can be mixed to create a look that’s as unique as your business.
Stamped and Stained Concrete
We often get asked by customers if it’s possible to stain stamped concrete, and we absolutely can. Stamped and stained concrete is an excellent option for outdoor spaces and offers a level of durability and affordability that cannot be matched by comparable systems on the market. At the same time, by both stamping and staining concrete, you significantly increase the range of customization options to choose from. Whether you want concrete floors that replicate the look of wood, stone, tile, or brick, it’s all possible with stamped concrete.
Commercial Concrete Floor Paint
Customers also frequently ask us about the differences between painting commercial concrete floors versus staining them. Painting concrete may seem like a simpler, more affordable option. The downside is that painting floors can cause problems in the long run since concrete staining is permanent, but painting floors isn’t.
While you can paint floors, the paint will eventually begin to chip or wear away. When that happens, you have to remove all the paint before repainting if you want a consistent finish. With concrete staining, on the other hand, the finish is permanent and won’t chip or wear away, so you never have to worry about re-staining for as long as the concrete lasts.
Customize Stained Concrete Floors at Your Facility
Are you interested in achieving a custom look at your facility while taking advantage of an affordable, durable flooring system? The experts at Ardor Solutions are ready to make that goal a reality with custom-stained concrete floors. When you’re ready to get started, give us a call and we’ll get your project underway with a complimentary needs assessment.